If you used our old website address, please note the new one: sidneyumc.org
If you used our old website address, please note the new one: sidneyumc.org
Is to bring people into relationship with Jesus Christ, and equip them to transform the world.
1. Love God
2. Serve Others
3. Transform the World
Our Sunday worship service begins at 10:15AM all year round. Visitors are always welcome in person in our sanctuary.
We also livestream the service on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/sidneyumc
Afterwards, it can be viewed there or on YouTube: www.youtube.com/@sidneyumc
We now offer online giving! Sidney United Methodist Church now offers electronic giving as a way for you to donate. Online giving is simple and secure. It is convenient for you and eases the work for our back office administration. You can use the routing and account number from your checking or savings account to give by eCheck, or use your Credit or Debit card.
12 Liberty Street, Sidney, New York 13838, United States
Copyright © 2021 Sidney United Methodist Church - All Rights Reserved.
Sidney United Methodist Church
12 Liberty Street
Sidney, NY 13838
(607) 563-1921 - Church Office
You may have been redirected to this page from the old website address. Please make a note of the new one: www.sidneyumc.org