If you used our old website address, please note the new one: sidneyumc.org
If you used our old website address, please note the new one: sidneyumc.org
Casual dinner and worship with praise team
(1st Thursday of every month at 5:15pm -- Fellowship Hall in basement)
Monthly meal preparation and home deliveries for homebound and sick people (2nd Tuesday of every month at lunchtime)
Volunteers deliver the altar flowers to church members and others to brighten their day and remind them of God's love.
Tuesdays at 2:00pm
In the church library
Practice on Sundays at 9:00am
(Email Jack Doyle for more information: jandcdoyle@yahoo.com)
Support group meets weekly on
Mondays at 6pm starting February 3
(call or email the church office to register)
Sidney First Things First Group
Mondays at 7:00pm (second floor)
Located at Sidney UMC
Mondays and Thursdays 9:30 - 11:30am
Pre-School Education
offering programs for kids ages 2-4
Meetings are Wednesdays at 7:00pm
(Email Andrew Hinkley for more information: aphinkley@gmail.com)
Tuesdays at 10:30am
(Harvester Room)
This list is by no means complete and we are always adding new community events!
Copyright © 2021 Sidney United Methodist Church - All Rights Reserved.
Sidney United Methodist Church
12 Liberty Street
Sidney, NY 13838
(607) 563-1921 - Church Office
You may have been redirected to this page from the old website address. Please make a note of the new one: www.sidneyumc.org